Remote Reference Layer

The Remote Reference Layer is between the Transport layer and the Proxy layer. It supports communication between the Stub and Skeleton. It is responsible for passing the stream-oriented data received from the Transport layer to the Proxy layer and vice versa.


Transport Layer

This layer is responsible for setting and managing connections to remote machines. It sends to, and receives data from, other machines. When the transport layer receives a request from the client-side Remote Reference Layer, it establishes a socket connection to the server. If a significant amount of time passes with no activity on the connection, the transport layer is responsible for shutting down the connection.

Universal TeacherDistributed and Non-distributed models

A call to a remote object using RMI is similar to a call to a local object but there are also some differences. Let(s) first see the similarities.

  • A reference to a remote object can be passed as an argument to a method or can be returned as a result by a method.
  • A remote object can be cast using the Java syntax for casting.
  • instanceof operator can be used on remote objects.

The Java distributed object model differs from Java object model in the following ways:

  • A client of a remote object always interacts with the remote interface, not with the implementing class.
  • A non-remote object passed as a parameter to a remote method is passed by value. In contrary to this, a remote object is passed by reference.
  • The equals(), hashcode() and toString() methods defined in java.lang.Object are overridden by java.rmi.server.RemoteObject. For example, the hashcode() method returns the same hash code, if two remote object stubs refer to the same remote object. The toString() method returns a string representation of the remote object. It includes information about the port number, host name, etc. The equals(Object obj) method indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
  • An object, passed as an argument to, or returned by a remote method must be serializable.

RMI system is organized as a four-layer model.

Application Layer
Proxy Layer
Remote Reference Layer
Transport Layer

A remote object may be exported in two ways:

By extending UnicastRemoteObject class
By using the UnicastRemoteObject(s) exportObject() methods.

A remote object must implement at least one interface that extends the java.rmi.Remote interface. A server registers any remote objects with the rmiregistry. A client can obtain a reference to a remote object by looking up in the server(s) registry or as a result of a remote method call.




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