Note: Question number 1 is compulsory. Answer any three questions from the rest.
Q.1. (a) What is the purpose of a Proxy Server ? How does it provide security in Intranet ?
(b) How many Class A networks can we have in Internet ? How does the fragmentation and reassembly of packets take place in Intranet ?
(c) What is the difference between Active, Static and Dynamic documents in WWW ? How does CGI work ?
(d) Which of the following services should be enabled in a secure
workstation connected in an Ethernet LAN ? Give reasons for your answer.
Anacron, ftp, netfs, nfs, telnet, sendmail, SSH, syslog, SNMP, time.
(Assume the LAN is connected to the Internet but is not connected
via Firewall nor is Kerberos used).
(e) What is a Socket ? Write two differences between a TCP Socket and a UDP Socket.
(f) What are the standard port numbers for (i) Web Server (ii) Mail Server (iii) FTP Server (iv) Telnet ?
(g) Why is the ARP protocol necessary ? What is the significance of the field's 'Hardware type', 'Protocol type' and 'Operation' in the ARP Header ?
Q.2. (a) On what basis would you choose between public key algorithm or symmetric key algorithm in an application ? Explain, with the help of an appropriate example, the use of each.
(b) What is Network Address Translation (NAT) ? Give any two advantages and two disadvantages of NAT.
(c) What is VPN ? How is it useful for an organization ?
Q.3. (a) What is a Search Engine ? How is it useful for Internet/Intranet ? Give the names of any four Search engines.
(b) What is an Intranet Authority tool ? Give the name of any three tools, with their uses.
(c) What is WAP ? Give any two advantages and two limitations of WAP. Also explain its layered architecture.