CS - 14 Intelligent Systems
June 2001

Q 1. (a) For each of the statement given below, tell whether is it TRUE or FLASE.
(i) Computers are better than human brings in the matter of non-numeric symbolic processing.
(ii) Knowledge is food for intelligence.
(iii) Al does not overlap with any of the disciplines: Linguistics, psychology or philosophy.

(b) Enumerate at least six knowledge representation schemes.

(c) Evaluate the following LISP expression:
(i) (greaterp 18 151 76)
(ii) (reverse ((p q) r (s t)))
(iii) (+ (/ 9 5) 50) 32)

(d) Write a LISP program to convent Centigrade temperatures to Fahrenheit.

(e) Construct a truth-table for the following logical expression:
(~ PL Q) v (Q ® P)

(f) Express the following description of a vehicle as a frame structure:
Mohan has a red Maruti car of 1986 model. It has 4 doors, weighs 125 kgs. Its mileage at any time may be computed be a procedure find-mileage.

(g) What is the fundamental principal of the object oriented approach to knowledge representation? Explain two important concepts from the domain of object oriented representation scheme.

(h) Describe briefly how the operation 'search' helps in solving problems.

(i) Name at least two structures used in matching techniques.

(j) Enumerate important charecteristics that a computer memory organization system should possess.

Q 2. (a) Transform the following into conjunctive normal from:
(P « Q) V R

(b) Give the internal storage linked cons cell structure for the list
((p q r) (s (t u)) m n)

(c) Write a LISP function OUR-EXPT that takes two parameters m n and returns mn, if m and n are integers with n ³ 1, else the function returns (-1).

(d) Create a LISP databese for the statement:
A cow has four legs, two eyes, white colour and gives milk and eats grass.

(e) Define the relation of AUNT, where the relations of PARENT and DAUGHTER are given.

Q 3 (a) What important characteristics should a computer memory organization System process?

(b) Write a brief note on Human Associative memory (HAM).

(c) State what variable bindings, if any, will make the following lists match:
(*x a b (c d) *x) and ((e f) a b *y e f)

(d) Arrange the items in the following list as a class hierarchy: (June 01)
{lemon, orange, fruit, citrus, grains, beef, meat, chicken, plants, food}

Q 4. (a) Given the following information for a database:
(i) If x is on top of y, y supports x
(ii) If x is above y and they are touching each other, x is on top of y
(iii) A cup is above a book
(iv) A cup is touching a book
Transform the statement (i) to (iv) into clausal from and show that the predicate support (book, cup) is TRUE using resolution.

(b) Transform the following formula into prenex normal form:
(" x) (" y) (($ z) (P (x, z) & P(y, z) ® ($ u) Q (x, y, u)))

5. (a) Express the following sentence as conceptual dependency structure:
Charlie drove the car fast.

(b) Transform the FOPL statement into equivalent conceptual graph:
" x Normal (x) & Grown (x) ® Walk (x)

(c) Transform the following conceptual graph into equivalent FOPL statement:
[PERSON : Anita] ¬ (AGENT) ¬ [DRINK]¾ (OBJECT) ® [FOOD : milk] ® (INSTRUMENT) ® [glass]

Q 6. (a) Describe 'Means-end analysis' as a problem-solving techniques in Al.

(b) Compare Depth-First Search and Breadth-First Search methods.

(c) How do you differentiate between an 'informed Search' method and an 'Uninformed Search' method? Discuss Best-First Search as a method of solving problems.


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