Paper 2
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : Question number 1 is compulsory. Attempt any four
questions from the rest.
Q.1. a) Write an algorithm to find out binary number of entered
decimal number.
b) Write a program that takes files names from the user and copy
the content of source file to the target file if source file is
Q.2. a) What is programming language? What are different types of
programming languages?
b) Why C is structured and free from language?
Q.3. a) What is an array? What are the advantages of array? Write
a program to sort the entered numbers array using recursion.
b) What is a string? Describe the usage of the string. Create one
program, which take two strings from the user and if both the strings
are same then convert the first string in the uppercase.
Q.4. a) What is the difference between structure and union? Describe
with example how a structure can be passed to function.
b) State the differences between switch and if block.
Q.5. a) What is recursion? Write a code to perform binary search
using recursion.
b) What is a conditional operator? Explain conditional operator
with example.
Q.6. a) What is function? What are the benefits of using function
in C program? What is difference between passing argument to a function
as call by value and call by reference?
b) What is a macro? What is difference between macro and function?