Paper 3
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Question number 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three questions
from the rest.
Q.1. a) Write an algorithm and draw a corresponding flowchart
to find the greatest number and its position among the 6 given
b) Write a program in C language to add, subtract, multiply and
divide two complex numbers. (Use a Switch statement to select
the operation)
c) Design an algorithm, draw a corresponding flowchart and write
a program in C to reverse a given string and find whether it is
a palindrome or not.
d) Write a program in C, to multiply two matrices.
Q.2. a) Write the steps involved in the top-down design process
with the help of a diagram.
b) Write a program in C (using files) to open the "file1",
read the contents and copy the same into "file2".
Q.3. a) mention any three advantages of use of pointers over arrays.
Also, write a program (using pointers) to insert and delete an
element in an ordered list.
b) Write a program to do the following without the use of any
string functions like strcat or strlen:
i) Concatenate two strings
ii) To find the length of any given string
Q.4. a) What is a preprocessor directive? Write the syntax for
the following preprocessor conditional statements:
i) # if def
ii) # if n def
iii) # else
iv) # pragma
Also, mention an example for each.
b) Design an algorithm and draw corresponding flowchart to convert
a decimal number to its binary equivalent.
Q.5. a) Mention the rules for using the Big-O notation
b) What is a variable? What are the rules to be followed to name
a variable in "C"? Write the syntax to declare the variable.
Also, mention how to initialize a character variable with the
help of an example.
c) Write a program to sort the given list of 10 numbers in ascending