Paper 1

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question number 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three questions from the rest.

Q.1. a) Simplify the following Boolean function in SOP form using K-map: F(A, B, C, D) = (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14)

b) A memory chip (RAM) is shown below:

Give the answer of the following questions:

(i) How many address lines are there in this chip?

(ii) How many data lines are there in this chip?

(iii) What is the word size of RAM chip?

(iv) What is the capacity of RAM chip in bytes?

(c) An instruction is stored at location 300 with its address field at location 301.The address field has the value 400. A processor register R1 contains the number 200. Evaluate the effective address if the addressing mode of the instruction is:

(i) Direct

(ii) Register Indirect

(iii) Relative

(iv) Index with R1 as index register

(d) Find the range of a number for the following floating point representation:
Base is 2
Exponent - 8 bits, bias of 8 is used
Sign bit = 1
Significant = 23 bits

Data bus Assume the normalized mantissa representation

(e) Starting from the initial value of R = 11011101, determine the sequence of binary values in R after a logic shift-left, followed by a circular shift-right, following by a logical shift-right and a circular shift-left.

(f) What is a micro-instruction? Do we need all 2N combinations of control Signals for N-bit micro-instruction? If no, then specify the reasons. Also, differentiate between uuencoded and highly encoded micro-instruction.


2. (a) What is master-slave flip flop? Construct a master-slave flip flop using D flip flop and explain its working.

(b) What is RAID? List three features of RAID level 2. In Raid technology, what are the important performance considerations? Explain briefly.

(c) Give two reasons why a RISC processor is better than a CISC processor.

(d) What is the purpose of queue in the bus interface unit of 8086 micro-processor? Find out the physical addresses for the following segment register: offset. 5

(i) SS : SP = 0100h : 0020h

(ii) DS : BX = 0200h : 0100h

(iii) CS : IP = 4200h : 0123h

3. (a) Explain content addressable memory with the help of block diagram.

(b) Show how the division of floating point numbers is done with the help of an example.

(c) Briefly explain the working of two-pass assembler.

(d) What is the difference between hand-wired control and micro-program control? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method?

4. (a) Draw the state table and logic circuit for a 2-bit binary counter using D flip-flop.

(b) Give the difference between memory mapped I/O and isolated I/O.

(c) What is interrupt? Briefly explain the four-interrupt conditions.

(d) Write an assembly program for adding two five-byte numbers using arrays.

5. (a) How can the subtraction operation on binary numbers be achieved by the sequence of addition operation? Draw block diagram and then explain.

(b) Explain the use of the following:
(i) Set-associative memory
(ii) SD RAM (c) What is a register? Explain the need of registers in the instruction execution.

(d) What is instruction pipelining? Explain the working of instruction pipelining in a RISC system.





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