MCS-014 : System Analysis and Design
Paper 2


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question number 1 is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from the rest.

Q.1. a) Explain the role of System Analyst. Also mention what kind of qualities he should possess.

b) Explain the two different types of finding the requirements of a system.

c) Explain the process of designing the forms and reports.

d) Explain at least five types of System testing.

Q.2. a) Define Modularity. Write at least goals of a good design. Also, write at least four guidelines for achieving the goals mentioned.

b) Define the term Record. Write atleast five activities that will enable the queries to run faster. Explain the process of Denormalisation of tables.

Q.3. a) Write the formula for the computation of Degree of security. Explain the information security architecture with the help of a figure.

b) Define an Expert system. Mention its characteristics. With the help of an example of expert system, explain various components of it.

Q.4. a) Explain the five types of coupling with an example for each.

b) Define SRS. Explain the seven characteristics of SRS.

Q.5. a) Explain the five steps of database design with the help of a figure.

b) Explain at least four concurrent audit techniques.




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