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In this chapter, you will learn about some additional controls that accept input and offer the user choices.

The Check Box Control

A check box offers an option for the user. It displays an X when selected; the X disappears when the CheckBox is cleared. You can use this control to give the user a True/False or Yes/No option.

Play Sound A check box is an option that is checked when selected and unchecked when unselected.

You can check whether or not a check box is checked with an If statement.

If (chkBold.Value = 1) Then
   'Code to handle checked condition
   'Code to handle unchecked condition
End If

You can use CheckBox controls in groups to display multiple choices from which the user can select one or more. You can also set the value of a CheckBox programmatically with the Value property.

The following figure shows check boxes:

Figure 10.1

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