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Uppercase & Lowercase Functions

The following table lists the functions

Function name Description
UCase() It returns its string argument in all uppercase letters.
LCase() It returns its string argument in all lowercase letters.

Justifying and Trimming Strings

LTrim() and RTrim() trim spaces from the beginning or end of a string. LTrim() returns the argument's string without any leading spaces. RTrim() returns the argument's string without any trailing spaces. The Trim() function trims leading and trailing spaces. Consider the following statements:

str1 = LTrim("    Universal")     ' stores Universal
str2 = RTrim("Universal    ")     ' stores Universal
str3 = Trim("     Universal   ")   ' stores Universal

Play Sound

In this chapter, you learned how to understand complex Visual Basic Applications that contain multiple modules and procedures that require sharing data between each other. When writing programs with several modules and procedures, you must keep in mind the variable scope so that procedures have access to the data they need. Moreover, we discussed about several internal functions.


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