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Adding Dialog Box control

You will not find the Common Dialog Box control on the toolbox. To add the control to the toolbox follow the following steps:

  • Press Ctrl+T (shortcut key for Project, Components) to display the Components dialog box shown in the following figure:
    Figure 16.1
  • Select the control labeled Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0.
  • Click OK to add the control in your toolbox.

The following figure shows a Common Dialog Box control placed in the center of a form.

Figure 16.2

At run time, use the appropriate method, as listed in the following table, to display the desired dialog.

Method Dialog displayed
ShowOpen Open
ShowSave Save As
ShowColor Color
ShowFont Font
ShowPrinter Print
ShowHelp Invokes Windows Help

If you named a Common Dialog Box control dlgOpen, you can apply the ShowOpen method to display the Open dialog box.


Play Sound You can use a single dialog box control in an application and apply different methods to it.

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