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In this section we will develop an applicatioin that will show several dialog boxes. The source code needed for this example is stored in the
"Source Code\Chapter16" directory.

Private Sub cmdColor_Click()

   ' forces an error if user clicks cancel
   dlgCommon.CancelError = True
   On Error GoTo dlgErrHandler

   'set the color flags
   dlgCommon.Flags = cdlCCFullOpen

   'display the color dialog box

   'set the background color of the label
   lblTest.BackColor = dlgCommon.Color
Exit Sub   ' the regular procedure is done

   dlgErrHandler: ' the user clicked cancel
      Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub cmdFont_Click()
   ' forces an error if user clicks cancel
   dlgCommon.CancelError = True
   On Error GoTo dlgErrHandler

   'set the color flags
   dlgCommon.Flags = cdlCFBoth + cdlCFEffects

   'display the font dialog box

   'user selected font information
   lblTest.Font.Name = dlgCommon.FontName
   lblTest.Font.Size = dlgCommon.FontSize
   lblTest.Font.Bold = dlgCommon.FontBold
   lblTest.Font.Italic = dlgCommon.FontItalic
   lblTest.Font.Underline = dlgCommon.FontUnderline
   lblTest.Font.Strikethrough = dlgCommon.FontStrikethru
   lblTest.ForeColor = dlgCommon.Color

      Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub cmdOpen_Click()
   'Returns or sets the filters that are displayed in the Typelist box
     'of a dialog box.

   dlgCommon.Filter = "Word Docs (*.doc)|*.doc|Excel Docs (*.xls)|*.xls"

    'display the File Open dialog box
End Sub

Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
    'display the print dialog box
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
   'display the File Save dialog box
End Sub

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Today's lesson explained how you can set up common dialog to perform standard tasks. We used a special control called the Common Dialog Box control, which produces six different common dialog boxes.

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