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Working with Scrollbars

The following table lists the most important scrollbar properties that you'll want to set at design time.

Property Description
LargeChange Specifies the amount the scrollbar changes when the suer clicks within the scrollbar's shaft area.
Max Indicates the maximum number of units that the scrollbar value represents at its highest setting. The default is 32,767
Min Indicates the minimum number of units that the scrollbar value represents at its lowest setting. The default is 1
SmallChange Specifies the amount the scrollbar changes when the user clicks either scroll arrow.
Value Specifies the unit of measurement currently represented by the scrollbar.

The default range of all scrollbars is 1 to 32,767, you can adjust this range as your application requires. When you're using a scroll bar as an indicator of quantity or speed or as an input device, use the Max and Min properties to set the appropriate range for the control.

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