Property |
Description |
Alignment |
Determines whether the text on the control
is left, center, or right aligned.
BackColor |
Specifies the background color of the control.
BorderStyle |
Determines whether
the control has a border or not. |
Caption |
The text displayed
on the control. |
Enabled |
Returns or sets
a value that determines whether a form or control
can respond to user-generated events. |
Font |
Displays a font
dialog box from which you can set various font
properties. |
ForeColor |
Specifies the
color of the control's foreground. |
Height |
Specifies the
number of twips high the control is. |
Left |
Returns or sets
the distance between the internal left edge
of an object and the left edge of its container. |
MousePointer |
Determines the
shape of the mouse pointer when the mouse is
over a particular part of an object at run
time. |
Name |
Specifies the
name used in code to identify an object. |
ToolTipText |
It holds the
text that appears when you pause the mouse pointer
over an object. |
Top |
Specifies the
starting twip from the top edge of the container
where the control appears. |
Visible |
Determines whether
an object is visible or hidden. |
Width |
Specifies the
number of twips wide the control is. |