Adding a Pull Down Menu
You can add pull down menus as you build the menu
bar or add the menus later. Now we will insert the
menu options at their respective locations. Select
the Color menu option and click Insert. A blank menu
will be inserted above the Color menu. Type Exit in
the Caption field and mnuMainExit in the Name field.
Now click the Menu Editor's right arrow button. VB
adds an ellipses right after the Main menu to indicate
that the current item will be a menu option and will
not appear on the menu bar.
If a menu has yet another menu
coming out of it, you would click the right arrow
twice to add two sets of ellipses before the submenu
option. |
Don't add many submenus levels because it can
be confusing. |
You've completed the short main menu and its drop
down menu.
Now add three menu options to the Color menu: White,
Yellow, Red. Similarly, add two menu options to the
Border menu: None, 3D Border. Add one menu option
to the Message Menu: Menu Application.
The Color Menu |
Menu Option |
Property |
Value |
White |
Name |
mnuColorWhite |
Yellow |
Name |
mnuColorYellow |
Red |
Name |
mnuColorRed |
The Border Menu |
Menu Option |
Property |
Value |
None |
Name |
mnuBorderNone |
3D Border |
Name |
mnuBorder3D |
The Message Menu |
Menu Option |
Property |
Value |
Menu Application |
Name |
mnuMessageOne |
Your Menu Editor should look like the one shown in
the following figure:
Figure 6.6