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This chapter continues to teach you about VB operators. In this chapter we will discuss about the conditional and logical operators that perform data comparision. Moreover, you will learn some control statements so that you can write programs that repeat sections of code as many times as needed.

Conditional Operators

The conditional operator lets you compare one Visual Basic data value to another. By using the conditional operators, you can check if a value is less than, equal to, or greater that another. Visual Basic supports Six conditional operators which are listed in the following table.

Operator Description Example Result
= Equal to 7=2 False
> Greater than 6 > 4 True
< Less than 8 < 5 False
>= Greater than equal to 20 > = 20 True
<= Less than equal to 15 <= 20 True
<> Not Equal to 5 <> 5 False

Play Sound The Equal sign is overloaded operator.

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