While....Wend Loop
Visual Basic also provides another general purpose
loop statement called the While...Wend
loop. The Wend keyword
is short for while end.
While condition
An Early Exit
Sometimes, depending on the data, you may want to
terminate an event or other kind of procedure early.
You can combine the If and Exit statement to do that.
The Exit Statement has
the following format:
Exit Sub | Function | Do | For
The vertical bars between keywords indicate that
only one of these keywords can follow Exit.
Consider the following code segment:
Private Sub calc()
If (value < 100) then
Exit Sub
lblvalue.Caption = 100
End If
End Sub
To Exit from a Function , use Exit
Function. |
In this chapter, you have seen
how to control your programs. By adding conditional
operators to your program, you can make VB analyze
data and respond according to the values inside
variables. Moreover, in this chapter, we also
discussed about the looping statements, which
can be used to repeat a section of code more
than once.